Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Christian View of Buddhism - 764 Words

Buddhism is one of the largest religions in the world, and it is continually expanding throughout the world. Buddhism comes from budhi, which means to awaken, the goal of Buddhism. Buddhism is a very open and adaptive religion. Because of this, there are over 80,000 different types of Buddhism. The two most widest beleived being Mahayanna and Theraveda. There are about 3-4 million Buddhists in America now. Buddhism is rich in history and it appeals to millions, as it spreads messages of peace, equality, and fairness with little or no commitment needed on the follower. The goal of Buddhism is to reach enlightenment. Enlightenment is not only for those who are extremely good. Every person has the potential to reach that state†¦show more content†¦If I did not know that God sent his Son to die for my sins and free me from the burden of sin and death, I could very easily see the appeal of Buddhism. The problem with Buddhism is that it relies solely on the actions of ones self. We are imperfect beings, and nothing we do can redeem us of the sin we live in. Except Jesus. Jesus came and said a person cannot do it on their own, they need savior to free them and provide a way to the Father. Buddhism is an incredibly enticing religion. It is peaceful, open-minded, easy to understand, with limited rules and structure, and adapts to the individual. While the teachings are beneficial, and the message positive, they will never provideShow MoreRelatedBuddhism from a Christian View920 Words   |  4 PagesBuddhism from a Christian View When the word Buddha is spoken the thoughts of Zen, peace and tranquility may come to mind. To the over 300 million Buddhist’s throughout the world Buddhism is much more than a religion, it is a way of life. The path of a Buddhist can be summed up in three simple sentences. The first, lead a moral life. The second, be mindful of your thoughts and actions and lastly, develop wisdom and understanding. 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